Our Story
Lauren’s Lavender Farm was established in 1999 by our family members Lorraine, Scott and Ross who purchased a property with the intent of establishing a lavender farm. With the help of a much loved daughter and father, our family got to work and set about to make a dream come true.
In 2001, tragedy struck our family with the loss of a much loved daughter, sister and niece. Her name was Lauren, and we have named our Lavender Farm after Lauren and her memory.
As time went on, we decided to convert our old farm house and make-shift horse stables in to a cafe and shop for customers to purchase our lavender products. We decided to paint some of the walls off white and all the other walls are the original varnished walls from the original farm house. We added a very large deck on the front and side and the floor of the cafe is in blue and green tiles and the shop floor the original varnished floor boards.
We all helped in the renovations with Scott doing the painting and staining with help from our youngest daughter Kasey. Ross and Scott both helped with the building of the deck and Lorraine kept the team spirits high with her lovely meals that fed the family through many long nights of hard work.
“For the past 10 years we have been harvesting the lavender by hand with lots of help from friends and family.”
12 years ago we purchased a harvester which makes the going easier and we use a partner lavender farm to help us extract the oils from our lavender plants.
Lauren’s Lavender Farm has been open to the public for years and every year we are enjoying the fruits of our labours with a growing customer base and lovely comments in our visitors books.